Visualize your video

For the images following your stories.
We can visualize what you want to tell your guests.
Such as opening video, profile video, story video, biographical video, etc., we’ll come wherever your concept suits or wherever you feel happy to capture what you want.
Everything can be customized to whatever you like, such as inserting videos taken in advance into our SHORT FILM or the End Credit.
【COMPOSITION】1 piece of music
【CONTENTS】Any one of opening movie, profile movie, etc.
【ITEMS】DVD + Blu-ray + Weblink
【DELIVERY DATE】2 weeks before your wedding

Yosuke + Akari Opening
Ryogo + Maasa Opening Film
Makoto + Miyu Opening Film
Yuki + Yui Opening Film
Masanori + Yuna Opening Film
Takuya + Kanae Opening Film
Shinji + Risa -prewedding short film-
Shinji + Risa “Asuke” -opening film-
Shota + Marina -opening film-